Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Thing #23 -Wrapping it Up!

I would have to say that my favorites would be learning about Wiki's and Nings because I think that will be something, given a lot of thought, could be used for developing English language fluency and vocabulary.

I am always wanting to know what is transpiring in the computer world. It is not always easy to assimilate the information because it is not in my everyday conversations, unless I am trying to actually trying to tell someone about it. Greyts have very strange conversations and don't really care about computers! Food and rest and play are their focus! Learning is stimulating when it is not frustrating!

I think that the fact that I am finishing is an unexpected outcome. I really didn't want to keep being baraged by so much tech information. Giving myself
permission not to complete it and getting some of the things done in my house freed up some of the pressure to do so much. Actually, when I look back over my notes for blogging ( I have to prewrite!) I am glad I will have information I can look back to reflect on and what to use and what direction might be helpful with either my goals, or student learning goals.

Essentially, the program's format and concept are great. It is to much at one time. It is always easier if there was someone else to "play" with and bounce information off of! Another teacher told me to sign up and she lives close to me. I thought we would be working at this together and then she decided not to do it because she didn't want to blog! I didn't either, but I wanted to learn new things, and be current on what is going on in the techology world. Some of the information was way to involved for me to assimilate at this time, but I can see that at a later date I am going to say, "Oh, I can go back to my blog or to L2P and brush-up or extend my knowledge of the topic, ON MY OWN because that is the way things are for me most of the time!

Maybe, some one-on-one or meeting others a couple of times, or planning a couple hands on with the ones that are getting would be a nice addition.

More than likely I would consider doing another discovery program similiar to this, but I would be looking for smaller "chunks" to work with. Learning has many dimensions to it. With teaching yoga, there are two approaches, going deeper into a pose or group of poses or being very broad and working with many poses and not getting real "deep." By nature, I am the former. I want to go deeper and learn all aspects and keep discovering nuances to going deeper. This is experience was very broad, and to get deeper will happen as I experiment with what I can use effectively. I am tenacio
us and persisent at figuring out something. But the time and frustration can be mind boggling! I can small doses and then I really like having an accomplished person guide me, show me, teach me! Help make the experience enjoyable and not always a guide and discovery to the extent of frustration!

When learning to train a greyhound to perform flyball and agility, it is done through guidance of a knowledgable trainer working with you and the dog. At a point, there is "blank" in their learning curve. At that time they haven't forgotten what they have learned, they are just muddled. The next lesson, afterward, is like AHA! They are getting it. Actually this experience has made me even more aware of the mental pitfalls the students experience as they are learning to read, comprehend, synthesis, and progress with the process. I could no more have a literate conversation with someone that is real knowledgable about all that we exposed ourselves to. I can have a conversation about the value and the need, though.

It is broad exposure to all that is happening with social networking/sharing, right now in the computer world.

Thing #22 - Nings-More Social Networking....

Teacherlingo was interesting because the first thing I saw was some negative comments. So, initially I thought, OMG, not more of the same of like being at school and hearing teachers vent.

So, I started reading 7 Things about Ning. Good information. I was not sure of it being the right thing to do with limited English students that even if they did this in their first language are not literate or fluent, which is why they have problems learning English (along with the fact that no English is practiced at home or with friends unless they are a different ethnicity and the language that they can have in common is the English they are learning! I can see where this might be a good forum for debate students or other types of like clubs, etc. As I continued to read "a vehicle for "social networking"; well, yes that is the problem. All our students want to do is socialize all day long. If we could get education woven into the socialization for learning fluency, that would be effective learning. I can see using Nings for high school classes and college classes to stay in touch, also. But, there are other ways.

A guy from my high school graduating class started a website for us. It is great. And it is private. That is important to me. It behaves and he controlls it similar to how a Ning is described in the section "Why it is Significant?", but it doesn't have ning in the address so I know it isn't a ning.

It was interesting to read that through the process of nings, "best practices for social networking will emerge and rise to the top..." There are so many ways to social network that it is boggling to me!

I can see that creating a Ning could be used somewhat like a Wiki. So I will probably try both approaches with my students/classes and get their opinion.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thing #21 Podcast and such...

Okay, it is entered and viewable. It is a photostory that I can use with my students this year for creating their own. This one needs some revising which I can do with the students. It needs to be simple, so they aren't overwhelmed. I know that my fellow teacher of the first year students has downloaded and used podcast of books. I don't have that capacity or technology at this moment. The one thing she had a problem with, though, was that she couldn't download just any book that is on DVD or CD or audiotape. So, since everything isn't downloadable, it isn't that practical! This is a revised version of the poem!

Thing #20-Explore Utube and teachertube...

Looking at the one thing,? common sense to me about evaluating a website, etc. Quality is the first thing to consider which (for me) involves looking at who constructed, when, updated? validity comes from that information and being able to determine this (my opinion) come with experience and ability to discriminate and look for opinion vs. fact. They talk really fast so that wouldn't work for 2nd year in US. Even though I want them to be informed.
Three Steps- OMG! 21st century learners, great but! again...this is what I try to provide for my students. Have you seen my painting that I did in my class after a trip to Grand Canyon and Sedonna and my second trip to Santa Fe, NM? I will get a picture and put it in here. the tables are painted now, also. The students painted the tables as a community project and each class got to work on two tables. First I have to log in to the district and then the other district and then I can get it. I guess I will load onto a memory stick so I don't have to do that again! It would be nice to try and provide those other conditions, but sometimes there are obstacles...Competition, cooperation, collaboration, great approach. I would like my students to tr
y Global School house, ming looked interesting, facebook, talk, build, create, collaborate (again), learn, unlearn, relearn, friendship through: edu and Epals, Skype, podomatic, connect individually, then through could all me made into a tag cloud! someday!
I don't teach TX History and couldn't relate...But I will recommend to teacher friend, although, she is already stressed enough!
ZamZar- OMG- can't wait till I have unstressed time to look at this closer. It looked like great to explore and incorporate into whatever! Later it could be very helpful.
Blinx became information overload.
With Utube I could find one video about teaching ESL students with using puppets. It was very good.
Teacher Tube had no videos for teaching middle school ESL (2nd year in US) videos! Maybe something can be created with my students this year and posted. I'll let everyone know! of course!

Thing #19 -Web 2.0 Awards

First thing I tried was self-publisher -Lulu and was greatly surprised. It might be something I could do with my students. I need to do further research. But, I really liked the easy to follow demo explanation on how to create a book or photo album. I actually might be able to get this to work with my students. Plus it is good that they will print and ship. The person gets 80% and I couldn't determine if it was going to cost more money or additional money later for sign-up. You can create your own store front and everything. You can even get an ISBN number (bet that might cost money!) It seems to be a complete online publishing company at no sign-up cost. They said all the right things in their demo. "Lulu creator-you've got all the right connections!" Clever! Publish>Sell>Buy, Very interesting! I am impressed! Mucho!

I really wanted to stick with number ones, but I decided to look at Mango Language- I know a lot of Spanish, but I don't speak fluently so I am always interested in attempting to learn more! It was interesting because I discovered that, without paying extra, you can start the basic lessons. They had an ESL Spanish which to me meant learning Spanish, but it was ESL English. I noted that there was not a direct learning English choice, also. So then I tried the Spanish and they went into this whole explanation of verbs, person, etc on the first attempt!

I have already signed up Pandora. I love it. The greyhound person that does my greyts martingale collars, husband is big with technology and got her to Pandora so she shared with me on a phone call so that we have a variety of music for our workouts. He is with the government somehow or another and they got the Irobot cleaner and he said it was great technology so I got one for the dog hair of 4 dogs, and it is great and it is adorable! and it does clean better than I can. Of course, I did not believe completely and checked out all the reviewer pros and cons of the ibot before I got one. Like everyone else that really likes it, I want the one that cleans with water next!

Looked at .docstoc- not- useful- @ the moment.

Thing #18 - open source and google docs

Well, I became familiar with open source two years ago this Christmas at a Rice University continuing education Math & Science seminar for middle school. They introduced us to several free sources for photo shop type (gimp) and open source, etc. I shared it with my principal and other technology interested teacher/friends at school.

At the beginning of this Library2Play, I used Google Docs because I didn't seem to be able to make the post in this blog as long as I needed. So, I would prepare it in Google Doc and paste it into here!

So, believe it or not, even though I have had an attitude concerning aspects of L2P I like technology and want to learn more and don't want to be on the "outside" of the progress in technology. I do not want to be completely taken over and remain at the computer like I used to stay at the sewing machine when I was a clothes designer. There are things to be done other than sit and process at the computer all day long.

Today when I was dealing with a problem with my computer protection through Att & Yahoo, I found myself telling the tech in The Phillipines about L2P because it is an awesome way to get up on the latest computer stuff. I think that "What you are not up on, you are down on!" But, there is a line to draw at (like today and yesterday.)

I have spent most of the time at the computer trying to get things done for L2P! I toy between wanting to complete it and trying to give myself permission to do what I can and forget about the 18 credit that can be earned. My mom taught me that I must and always will finish what I start. At some point this can be detrimental!

I borderline obsess about many things, and I am always working on trying to be less of that when it isn't necessarily positive for long run, long term productive!

Thing #17- Rollyo- Okay... I began the searchroll but I am not sure about anything else. I think this could be helpful for controlling where students would get their information from for a research project. But, it won't keep the from going where ever they want when they think you are not monitoring them. Which for me is, never. I have had 5 classroom computers that still work because I am like a hawk at watching and monitoring and interacting with them while they are at the computers!

I couldn't effectively watch the information video because my dsl is not the most expensive level AT & T offers. Even if I upgraded to pay more for it, it wouldn't happen for another 3 days. I don't think that I should have to upgrade and spend more money right now with not getting enough money to actually deal with what is happening with the gas and food costs! For me personally, it would be another step of work to make the searches for me. It is to easy to have folders and click I have bookmarked for myself.

Thing #16 - Wikis

The UTube thing is getting old! The humming, etc. The Wiki's: slide show- A Beginner's Look - was good for me and something I might be able to use with students/class participation. The cons are good information. Concise and simple explanations ( Powered by MediaWiki) What is a Wiki- was really good. 1. It invites users to create or add pages. 2." Promotes (opinion & hopefully) meaningful topic associations between different ...almost intuitively page exists or not." "A wiki is not a carefully crafted site for casual visitors. Instead, it seeks to involve the visitor in an ongoing process of creation and collaboration that constantly changes the Web site landscape." This is a very powerful statement and a good reason to involve students of a class or between classes participating with a Wiki. It is just figuring out the reason and how for the teacher endeavor! I liked the "why not" because it is honest. To open could present a problem and editing each other's writing could be a problem.

I like the PBWiki information. It was simple and concise. But it would be to fast my students to process the language, though. PB might be the way to go with my students. We'll see.

While I was trying to find how to make tag clouds, I ran across a wiki site called Wet Paint and decided to create so that I could invite other greyhound owner friends, make albums of all my past and present greyhounds, and experience working on a Wiki because it is the only way I will be able to involve my students. I liked that I could chose a certain look for the page.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Thing # 15- Away from the "Icebergs"

Things change! The reason my sister's and brother-in-law use the library is for the computers! Except, one of my sisters is like me. Why buy the book when you read it for free!?! Plus I have checked out a lot of books on tapes to listen to preview because I used to spend so much time in my car (at one point) and with traveling, also. Reading puts me to sleep! I guess everything could be electronic, but then you have the issue of everyone in the universe becoming computer literate!
What a job that would be! But, even if they know how, what about having access or owning the resources.
Personally, If I can't listen to a book, I won't read it electronically. I would rather hold the book in my hands so that I can comfortably and leisurely read and reread as much as I want. Not electronically! (Which is why I am not real happy about this Library2 Play thing!)

The comment Richard Anderson made in Iceberg, "not on teaching research skills but on eliminating the barriers that exist the information they need, so they spend as....little time...lousy search interfaces and as much time... reading and learning."

To a Temporary Place in Time ...Wendy Schultz- She lost me with the Library 3 & 4. Her comment about "tag clouds offer diverse connections, not focused expertise." Is her opinion, not fact. It depends on the reader! I agree in my opinion from- but they could be good for teaching vocabulary and literature and other things if it is done with the right "connections."

I guess that because I am not a librarian (which is seems that the position is moving towards MEDIA SPECIALIST), I rally can't relate to what they are saying in the articles.

I think of a library as a place to go and find a book that I want to a read and not have to buy!

If our students go to the library and start looking for info on the computer good for them. But, they are usually there to get into the AC and socialize with their friends!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Thing #14 - Technorati and how tags work?

Why? Again! Why? There is nothing I at the moment that I want to research, except how to make tag clouds, and those mosaic looking picture collages because that could be helpful for students with vocabulary and story information. Again, there isn't enough time in the day to process the research! Again, move into information overload. The perfect tag? You have got to be kidding! I thought that the whole idea was to tag with something that was important to "you." Who's judging? Is this our "business"? I began to be interested in the idea of tag clouds, though, and started to try and find information for making them. On delicious I got over 2000 websites for how to do them! So, I thought start by looking at the most bookmarked sites. Well, what if you don't have "the program" and then I started looking at the ones for Newbies! Well, 6 hours later, I still hadn't been able to figure it out! At another time maybe I will find someone that will know how to show me and then I will be able to create something for my students use!
I looked at a couple of other blog sites and was not interested. I looked at one called Sugar Cubes ( -it started out interesting then it got weird, for me. I don't need to be in other strangers business!

Thing #13- tagging and del....

The whole social thing is a turn off for me. It just becomes to much information! It is like trying to clean my "drop room" and not knowing where to start. Again, with the lack of beginning computer schools, and language issues, the question is "Where do you start and how simple can it be made to get them to be able to function?" Common Craft presentions are understandable, but my students wouldn't be able to use them from the language perspective, but from the visual, yes. The delicious podcast barely kept my attention. Furl wasn't interesting to me at all, either. It would help me to filter information, though, and it would help if I were in a research situation. Ma.gnolia- is a smart filter, but not for me at this time. Furl- capture and organize, enough already! At this point it doesn't fit. I am not the "authority" in my school environment! I have been been "shot down" enough to know that even when people thing theyknow ow to deal they don't. They haven't worked with the type of student we are working with and yet they are the "authority". I have learned to let them "rule" and do my job.
This would be a great way to work on a doctoral degree. I think I can't take advantage of it right now!

Friday, July 4, 2008

#12- creating community through commenting...

Read the definition, read all the hot links, common sense to me. Especially, if participating in this community fully. But, I am not interested in reaching out and finding more people to keep me from taking take of what I actually need to take care of. I would say that the whole community through blogging is great for those that want this. Commenting like a King, etc. everyone of the links are saying the same thing in different ways. Just depends on which one suits you. I don't invite comments because this is not the way I want to be involved with my friends. Ten commandments, same, Drapes takes, the same, Blogging 101, Alias vs real, same make your choice it depends on individual choice, That I am aware of, I will not be podcasting. If I ever own one an ipod I will use it in the classroom for books for the students to listen to. Otherwise, it would be for my personal music enjoyment. Dogs just don't get into all this stuff, and a major part of my life is my 4 retired racing greyhounds. General commenting info if helpful because this is how the students should be handled-positive, constructive, supportive. Sorry, not commenting superficially to anyone's blog because that would be just plain rude to pretend. Did comment on one teacher's blog because I work with her and I was amazed at how she seemed to be like a "a fish in water" and have an incredible understanding and involvment in this process. So, I sincerely commented! I do my connecting through actual activities with people, one on one. This should not be a forced on activity with insincere follow through. Discovery of something should be enjoyable. The adventure of learning more about something needs to fueled by actual abililty to put the discovery learning to good use. What is good for all isn't neccesarily good for the individual.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Thing #11- Library Thing- Not!

Once again, I went through all the steps, tour, intro, podcast-Okay-for background info. signed up for an account, added one book (Gone With the Wind) because I am not interested in this at all! I guess I could unenthusiastically add 4 more books for what reason? Using up time! I browsed through all the tabs and fell into information overload. If my students would get interested fine..but once again, 2nd year learning English presents with a different set of problems. It would probably not be useful for them. Ididn't look into any groups because I am not interested in this approach to sharing my reading. I have a few friends that I share with and that is enough for me. At this point of my life, I am owning and honoring my extremely introverted personality. I don't need a world wide group to share with. I have my mom, sister, and friends!