Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Thing #23 -Wrapping it Up!

I would have to say that my favorites would be learning about Wiki's and Nings because I think that will be something, given a lot of thought, could be used for developing English language fluency and vocabulary.

I am always wanting to know what is transpiring in the computer world. It is not always easy to assimilate the information because it is not in my everyday conversations, unless I am trying to actually trying to tell someone about it. Greyts have very strange conversations and don't really care about computers! Food and rest and play are their focus! Learning is stimulating when it is not frustrating!

I think that the fact that I am finishing is an unexpected outcome. I really didn't want to keep being baraged by so much tech information. Giving myself
permission not to complete it and getting some of the things done in my house freed up some of the pressure to do so much. Actually, when I look back over my notes for blogging ( I have to prewrite!) I am glad I will have information I can look back to reflect on and what to use and what direction might be helpful with either my goals, or student learning goals.

Essentially, the program's format and concept are great. It is to much at one time. It is always easier if there was someone else to "play" with and bounce information off of! Another teacher told me to sign up and she lives close to me. I thought we would be working at this together and then she decided not to do it because she didn't want to blog! I didn't either, but I wanted to learn new things, and be current on what is going on in the techology world. Some of the information was way to involved for me to assimilate at this time, but I can see that at a later date I am going to say, "Oh, I can go back to my blog or to L2P and brush-up or extend my knowledge of the topic, ON MY OWN because that is the way things are for me most of the time!

Maybe, some one-on-one or meeting others a couple of times, or planning a couple hands on with the ones that are getting would be a nice addition.

More than likely I would consider doing another discovery program similiar to this, but I would be looking for smaller "chunks" to work with. Learning has many dimensions to it. With teaching yoga, there are two approaches, going deeper into a pose or group of poses or being very broad and working with many poses and not getting real "deep." By nature, I am the former. I want to go deeper and learn all aspects and keep discovering nuances to going deeper. This is experience was very broad, and to get deeper will happen as I experiment with what I can use effectively. I am tenacio
us and persisent at figuring out something. But the time and frustration can be mind boggling! I can small doses and then I really like having an accomplished person guide me, show me, teach me! Help make the experience enjoyable and not always a guide and discovery to the extent of frustration!

When learning to train a greyhound to perform flyball and agility, it is done through guidance of a knowledgable trainer working with you and the dog. At a point, there is "blank" in their learning curve. At that time they haven't forgotten what they have learned, they are just muddled. The next lesson, afterward, is like AHA! They are getting it. Actually this experience has made me even more aware of the mental pitfalls the students experience as they are learning to read, comprehend, synthesis, and progress with the process. I could no more have a literate conversation with someone that is real knowledgable about all that we exposed ourselves to. I can have a conversation about the value and the need, though.

It is broad exposure to all that is happening with social networking/sharing, right now in the computer world.


Unknown said...

You might like this site:
You have so many wonderful pictures of your dogs. I think it's also a site that would appeal to Hispanic Girls - lots of pink!

Grendel said...

You did it! Congratulations on finishing!