Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thing #17- Rollyo- Okay...

http://rollyo.com/dashboard.html I began the searchroll but I am not sure about anything else. I think this could be helpful for controlling where students would get their information from for a research project. But, it won't keep the from going where ever they want when they think you are not monitoring them. Which for me is, never. I have had 5 classroom computers that still work because I am like a hawk at watching and monitoring and interacting with them while they are at the computers!

I couldn't effectively watch the information video because my dsl is not the most expensive level AT & T offers. Even if I upgraded to pay more for it, it wouldn't happen for another 3 days. I don't think that I should have to upgrade and spend more money right now with not getting enough money to actually deal with what is happening with the gas and food costs! For me personally, it would be another step of work to make the searches for me. It is to easy to have folders and click I have bookmarked for myself.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is one laid back dog!