Monday, July 28, 2008

Thing # 15- Away from the "Icebergs"

Things change! The reason my sister's and brother-in-law use the library is for the computers! Except, one of my sisters is like me. Why buy the book when you read it for free!?! Plus I have checked out a lot of books on tapes to listen to preview because I used to spend so much time in my car (at one point) and with traveling, also. Reading puts me to sleep! I guess everything could be electronic, but then you have the issue of everyone in the universe becoming computer literate!
What a job that would be! But, even if they know how, what about having access or owning the resources.
Personally, If I can't listen to a book, I won't read it electronically. I would rather hold the book in my hands so that I can comfortably and leisurely read and reread as much as I want. Not electronically! (Which is why I am not real happy about this Library2 Play thing!)

The comment Richard Anderson made in Iceberg, "not on teaching research skills but on eliminating the barriers that exist the information they need, so they spend as....little time...lousy search interfaces and as much time... reading and learning."

To a Temporary Place in Time ...Wendy Schultz- She lost me with the Library 3 & 4. Her comment about "tag clouds offer diverse connections, not focused expertise." Is her opinion, not fact. It depends on the reader! I agree in my opinion from- but they could be good for teaching vocabulary and literature and other things if it is done with the right "connections."

I guess that because I am not a librarian (which is seems that the position is moving towards MEDIA SPECIALIST), I rally can't relate to what they are saying in the articles.

I think of a library as a place to go and find a book that I want to a read and not have to buy!

If our students go to the library and start looking for info on the computer good for them. But, they are usually there to get into the AC and socialize with their friends!

1 comment:

VWB said...

the library has always been a social place of sorts...a gatehring place ...the walls are just being pushed out and away in some cases to accomodate the needs of the users....
for schools, students are connected and therefore, the library must be also...they are the customers! :-)