Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thing #16 - Wikis

The UTube thing is getting old! The humming, etc. The Wiki's: slide show- A Beginner's Look - was good for me and something I might be able to use with students/class participation. The cons are good information. Concise and simple explanations ( Powered by MediaWiki) What is a Wiki- was really good. 1. It invites users to create or add pages. 2." Promotes (opinion & hopefully) meaningful topic associations between different ...almost intuitively easy...target page exists or not." "A wiki is not a carefully crafted site for casual visitors. Instead, it seeks to involve the visitor in an ongoing process of creation and collaboration that constantly changes the Web site landscape." This is a very powerful statement and a good reason to involve students of a class or between classes participating with a Wiki. It is just figuring out the reason and how for the teacher endeavor! I liked the "why not" because it is honest. To open could present a problem and editing each other's writing could be a problem.

I like the PBWiki information. It was simple and concise. But it would be to fast my students to process the language, though. PB might be the way to go with my students. We'll see.

While I was trying to find how to make tag clouds, I ran across a wiki site called Wet Paint and decided to create http://greyhoundlove.wetpaint.com/ so that I could invite other greyhound owner friends, make albums of all my past and present greyhounds, and experience working on a Wiki because it is the only way I will be able to involve my students. I liked that I could chose a certain look for the page.


Unknown said...

I spent all day struggleing with PB Wiki. I think I like Wet Paint better, other than the ads that march up the left side. But I think I finally mastered it.
Love your dogs!

DLyons said...

I am so glad you liked it! I didn't notice the ads! Silly me! I thought PB Wiki looked to plain. But it seemed useful. It will be interesting to see what decisions I will make for the students I work with and what I would like to do with them this year.
Thanks for the comments! and the greys are great companions....