Sunday, August 31, 2008

Mary, I am so glad that George P. shared your blog with me. I remember my first workshop with you and learning to stretch up the front of my thighs and over rather than hinging in a forward forward bend. I just had my first workshop with Laurie Blakenly and it was like studying with you. She reminded me so much of you. I remember how you fixed my gyrating headstand in a Dallas workshop along with my backbends finally feeling free of any back effort. You have had a profound effect on my study and understanding of Iyengar Yoga. Feathered Pipe Ranch with George was another growth effort for me with you guys, also. You are so loved by all that have been in your company.
Diana Lyons and gang of greyts! (I have four retired racing greyhounds that embrace downward facing dog and upward facing dog everyday to remind me of how important yoga practice is!)